Thursday, June 23

A quick update

Well a lot has gone on in the last 6 month. I am still in the states as I have postponed my move. I was offered an extension on my contract I couldn't refuse. So, I'll be moving May 16, 2012. I really wanted to be settling into my flat about now, but alas I'm not. I will be over for a couple of weeks around Thanksgiving to arrange a few things. I plan to meet with a couple of makelaars, letting agents, while I'm there. If I find a place I can't pass up I plan to sign a lease. I have a couple of friends who have showed interest in paying me to house sit, go figure. So it could work out to beneficial for all parties involved. I also plan to find an accountant that will be able to supply the necessary papers for my application. The last thing I want to accomplish is to look at a few offices/store fronts. I don't plan to let it just yet, but I need to fit it in my business plan. Hopefully two weeks will be enough to get everything done, fingers crossed.
